
ARCHITECTURE: In New York, New Jersey, Connecticut, and several other states, we provide the full extent of comprehensive architectural services including conceptual and schematic design, design development, and construction documentation. In addition, we provide assistance with permits, contractor bidding/negotiating, and construction contract administration.

On International projects, our architectural services are typically limited to providing conceptual and schematic design. In some special overseas projects, our scope of work can include detailed design-assist bridge documentation as needed and requested by the client.

INTERIOR ARCHITECTURE: Interior Architecture and Interior Design, Programming and Space Planning, Furniture Design, Corporate Standards, Branding Development.

In addition to our comprehensive architecture and design services, Design Innovations for Architecture (DIA) proudly offers specialized preliminary zoning analysis and architectural feasibility studies under our Zoning Check+ branding. This distinct service is tailored for developers, owners, and real estate professionals at the crucial pre-development phase, enabling informed decision-making about potential projects in New York City's complex regulatory environment. Zoning Check+ represents our commitment to providing detailed insights into zoning regulations and development potentials, ensuring our clients can navigate their projects with confidence.

For those who engage with our Zoning Check+ services, DIA offers a seamless transition to our regular architectural design and Architect of Record (AOR) services as the project moves from the planning phase into actual development. This continuity ensures that the insights and strategies developed during the initial studies are effectively integrated into the final design and construction phases.

For more detailed information on our Zoning Check+ services and how they can benefit your project, please visit our dedicated website at Here, you'll find comprehensive details on how we can support your project from its inception through to completion, ensuring a streamlined and successful development process.

MASTER PLANNING: Site Planning and Design, Site Analysis, Civic, and Recreational Public Space Development.

SUSTAINABLE DESIGN with HEALTH & WELLNESS: Environmental Analysis and Development, High Performance and Intelligent Building Design promoting Human Health and Wellness, LEED Compliance Review, WELL Building Standard Certification Assistance.